3 Things to Do When Things Don’t Turn Out as Planned


Sometimes, in marketing and business, no matter how good you planned things to be, some things can just go way out of hand.

Planning gives you a good starting point of what kind of output you and your client or company would like to have.

However, as much as you wanted to get things done your way, sometimes, different results or effects happen apart from planned.

So what do you do about it?

Here are three things to do  in case you got your feet soaked in a challenging situation.

1. Be honest.

Truth hurts, but it’s the truth.

Better be honest to your client or superior, because no matter what we do, whether we like it or not, the fault will appear, sooner or later.

Things can get so much worse if you lie as it complicates things even further.

The fact stands that there is a pressing concern that you need to address. The issue will still be there like a tiny monster creeping and waiting for the right time to grow and catch you off guard.

Be bold enough to face your client or superior.

It happened to me once when I doubted to face the client right away. I tried to patch things up, but it didn’t go out well. The VERY small problem, in the first place, became a big issue to the client.

The problem that started as a ripple became like a tsunami.

Worst part was, the client overlooked the glamorous details of the outcome, and focused on the very small problem.

So no matter how small we might think a matter is, as long as it concerns the client, it should be discussed right away.

2. Assess the Issue

Getting to the very core of things will give you a good chance of solving the problem the best way and in the fastest time possible.

It’s best to reassess the plan and make immediate modifications without forgetting the main objectives of the project.

Remember, any efforts, however fabulous or hard it may be, your client or superior would not accept it, if it is not in accordance to the agreed objectives.

Effort is not synonymous to results.

To a client, results matter. It’s what ONLY matters. Not your effort, not your hardships… ONLY RESULTS.

3. Act Fast

Remember that you can always think of better ways tomorrow than your best plan now. However, time is of the essence. That’s why sometimes, good enough, is the best option you can have.

Because no matter how well your plans and executions maybe, if it fails to be delivered on time, everything is worth nothing.


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