Analysis – Paralysis


I remember this interview I did with Mr. Rommel Juan, owner of Binalot.

After the interview, I asked Mr. Rommel of the things that an entrepreneur needs to do in order to succeed. Of all the things that he said off-cam that stuck my head was about the “ANALYSIS-PARALYSIS“.

Many people, especially, those who think that they are “intellectual” feels that they need to think things over and over again to make things “PERFECT” before they launch a business, or even just a move.

However, sometimes, no matter how hard and long we think of things… it cannot disprove or verify our “theories” on the things we need to do.

As Mr. Rommel advised, sometimes, we just have to do things right away for us to know the results of our ideas.

Just like most of the successful scientists and inventors. Yes, they do think for some time. But after a while, TEST their theories. If it fails… then back to the drawing boards. If it works out, then all the hardwork is successful.

Same goes to many things in our lives – especially in business. And this is how successful businessmen learn a lot. After laying out a plan, they move on to executing the plan. They don’t dwell so much on the “what if’s” and the “if so’s”.

They act on their ideas. That’s why, they get the results earlier than other people do.

That’s why many people have those “NAISIP KO DIN YAN EH” (I had the same idea.) But only those who acted QUICKLY were able to get things DONE.

And most often, this Analysis-Paralysis is caused by FEAR — fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unknown result.

If there is one thing I learned in this interview (and through experience, as well), it’s not how LONG you take to think of how to do something. But it’s how efficient you think for a short period of time, and how fast you react to circumstances.

For it can never guarantee 100% success of things if we dwell on it too much. However, success can be more attainable if a person never stops trying once he fails.

If I may borrow Nike’s Tagline – “JUST DO IT”. That’s the essence of it all.

That is what separate successful people from the “thinking” they can be successful people.

They just do it.

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